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Document Resources
2023 APIA Politician Resources
2022 APIA World War II Resources
2019 APIAs Waking Up! Jump into Action Resources
2018 APIA Railroad History Resources
2017 APIA Angel Island Resources
Multimedia Resources
APIA World War II Veterans (2022)
- Japanese American Veterans of World War II and the Congressional Gold Medal
- Filipino American Veterans of World War II and the Congressional Gold Medal
- Chinese American Veterans of World War II and the Congressional Gold Medal
- Square and Circle Club Presents: Congress Honors Chinese American WWII Veterans
- Square and Circle Club Presents: WWII Veterans Remembered
APIAs and Social Justice (2021)
- Stop! Gavel Time! (hands-on activity with written instructions in the video description) by Nolan Sumala 2021)
- Chibi Time with Wong Kim Ark (a Chibi skit) by Nolan Sumala (2021)
- Fear, Racism, and Disease (2021 PowerPoint Video)
- A Plague of Political Corruption (2021 PowerPoint Video)
- San Francisco Harassment Ordinances (2021 PowerPoint Video)
- How Chinese Fought Discrimination through the Courts (2021 PowerPoint Video)
- Fighting for Education Equality (2021 PowerPoint Video)
- Meet Three 3rd Graders Who Fought for Equality in Education (for 3rd-5th Grades and ELD Classes)
APIA Railroad History (2018)
- Chinese Workers on the Central Pacific Railroad (2018 PowerPoint Video)