Margaret "Maggie" Gee

Portrait of Maggie Gee

MARGARET “Maggie” GEE (1923-2013)

Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP)

Civilian Pilot


Place of Birth: Berkeley, California
Service: Third-generation Chinese American Maggie dreamed of being a pilot since girlhood. She eventually became part of the 8% of applicants accepted into WASP, and the second of two Chinese American WASP in World War II. She co-piloted B-17 bombers and trained male pilots, but was denied the opportunity to become a full fledge pilot because she was female. 

Post-War: Maggie returned to University of California at Berkeley to finish her degree in physics. She then worked at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory helping to design nuclear warheads and the Poseidon missile. She finally earned military status for her World War II service in 1977.